Wellness Guide

The science behind the spa: high-tech treatments from 7 wellness hotels

If you’re feeling a treat-yourself trip is long overdue, taking a ‘health holiday’ as your first step into the post-pandemic world of travel makes perfect sense. The innovative metal-inspired treatments

18 March 2021

Forest bathing and tree therapy: where to spa with nature

It has now been almost a year spent in some form of lockdown for many of us around the world, with limited time to enjoy the outdoors for its beauty

12 March 2021

Warming wellness rituals: from hot stones to lava shells

Increasing the temperature of spa treatments by introducing an element of heat therapy works wonders for improving circulation, not to mention taking relaxation levels up a notch. Soothe sore muscles

3 March 2021

Go with the flow: where water meets wellness

Continuing our five-part Elemental Wellness Guide with the wonders of water therapy, here we dip into some of the world’s best water-based spa treatments. From thalassotherapy and hydromassages to thermal

24 February 2021

Earth-inspired wellness: the very best all-natural spa treatments

The first in our five-part wellness guide on the best places to go to find your element (Earth, Water, Fire, Wood, and Metal) after pressing pause on international travel in

16 February 2021